Corporate Policy
From the practice for the practice!
Hörner Consult Ltd
The company’s services include
The organization supports its customers in improving business processes and, on the basis of tried-and-tested procedures and methods, helps to realize possible customer potential.
The high quality of the services provided is the success factor of a successful business activity and the basic requirement for satisfied customers. Therefore, the organization commits to the following policy:
Quality management is an essential management task. The superiors have a decisive role model function. However, quality management also requires all employees to act responsibly.
The following general goals are pursued:
The quality policy and quality objectives for the quality management system are hereby established and agreed with the context and strategic direction of the organization.
The requirements of the quality management system are integrated into the business processes of the organization.
The application of the process-oriented approach and risk-based thinking are established. The necessary resources with the appropriate skills are available for the quality management system.
The importance of effective quality management and the importance of meeting the requirements of the quality management system are conveyed.
Through a continuous improvement process, the commitment of all employees at all levels and the quality of our services are checked and improved again and again.
The quality and environmental policy of the organization is known throughout the company (information board) and is reviewed annually for appropriateness.
With the following principle we create the conditions to inspire our customers for us:
This principle is the yardstick for defining priorities in decision-making and forms the guideline for our entrepreneurial actions.
Mannheim, June 1st, 2021
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